Somerset Geology Group (SGG) works in partnership with the Somerset Environmental Records Centre and Somerset Wildlife Trust to encourage appreciation, conservation and promotion of the geology of Somerset. We are a member of GeoConservationUK whose mission is to encourage the appreciation, conservation and promotion of local/regional geological sites for education and public benefit. SGG also aims to encourage delivery in Somerset of the UK Geodiversity Action Plan and England Geodiversity Charter.
Our main priority at present is working with SERC to review Somerset’s c 230 Local Geological Sites (LGS). We also advise on planning and development affecting LGS and assist with enquiries about their conservation and interpretation.
SGG was established in 1984, initially as the Geological Advisory Group of SWT, and worked in partnership with SERC from the late 1980s to identify the county’s Regionally Important Geological Sites (RIGS) – now known as LGS. Members of SGG have also in the past documented temporary geological exposures from pipeline and road building projects and compiled a bibliography on Somerset’s geology.
Getting Involved
We are a network, of both professionals and amateurs, with an interest in geological conservation and associated activity in Somerset. Wendy Lutley and Garry Dawson act as joint Coordinators, supported by a small coordinating group. We currently circulate an Update to members and other contacts twice yearly and arrange a SGG meeting once a year. We have no formal constitution and no membership fee. See our Updates below for more detail.
SERC and SGG are always interested in potential volunteers to help with our LGS review; and SGG in potential volunteers to help with other aspects of our work.
To get involved in our network or for further information please contact:
Garry Dawson Tel 01823 282305 email:
Further information
The latest news about the group can be found below:
Somerset LGS Project – Final report for Taunton area June 2023
Somerset LGS Project – Final report South Somerset Area June 2022
Somerset LGS Project – Final report for Mendips Area June 2022
Somerset LGS Project – Final report for Exmoor Area May 2021
Somerset LGS Project – Final report for Quantocks Area April 2020
Update No 7 – April 2019 (including LGS Project Year 2 Report, April 2018 – March 2019)
Somerset LGS Project – Report for Year 1 (April 2017 – March 2018)
Terms of Reference – October 2017
Mapping our members interests and expertise – May 2016
Somerset’s Geology
Somerset Good Rock Guide – produced in 2004 by the late Hugh Prudden, a guide to over forty geological localities of interest in Somerset, including accessible LGS (former RIGS) and other geological sites. NB Please be aware that some of the information may now be out of date and check current access arrangements.
A bibliography of Somerset Geology – compiled by Hugh Prudden. NB more recent publications not included.
See British Geological Survey for a geological map viewer, apps and publications, and other on-line and free information relevant to Somerset.
There are several membership organisations that publish research on Somerset’s geology or organise talks and field excursions in Somerset. See mention of them in our news Updates and see Other geological organisations for some web links.
Geological conservation in the UK
Earth Heritage is a free magazine covering Geoconservation and related topics nationally. It is published by a consortium of UK organisations including Natural England and the Geologists’ Association. See also above for the UK Geodiversity Action Plan and England Geodiversity Charter.